
Hobbies like astronomy, origami and other simple crafts

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said -- "two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert ... near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lips, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings,
Look on my Works ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away." --

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


ok...I guess I better stop my days posts. I start with great enthusiasm and if no one is there to prod me on and motivate me I just vanish...

But I hope to keep this going.

I follow astronomy as a hobby. But it is very limited to viewing the stars with naked eyes since I dont have a pair of binoculars as yet.
A free online course on Astronomy is located at this link

I have started with it long ago but couldnt continue. Hope to restart now that I dont have much work at hand.

Of Hearts and Stars

Learnt some origami from the net.
Got a lovely website that taught me how to make stars. I took around 7-8 tries to understand that I wasnt following the instructions correctly.Anyway. Here is the link.

I found a lovely website for Danish Hearts. I learnt today that those are called Danish hearts. Made of paper and woven together. Simplicity personfied. I had tried them out before. But the patterns I found today floored me completely. Here is the link.

I tried out some simple patterns at home to get myself back to origami. like the penguin, helmet.

Its the monsoons so astronomy is stopped currently. :-) But I love origami just as much. So I'm not at all sorry being with origami. :-)

Since I am a new potter, I also made a mask and a lady sculpture to show hubby dear and a cute froggy bank (something like piggy bank) to show my mum dad.


Had been to a pottery class some weeks ago. The class was for 3 weekends. 4 hours each on saturday and sunday.

Was a very nice experience. especially since the lovely mix of people I met. An architect, software engineers, MBA, a young mommy, a to-be mommy, fashion designer, potter by profession, college student, gynaecologist.

The first day, we just learnt the theory. What are the different types of clays that can be made and what are their maturation temperatures. What are the uses of various types of clays. What are the tools to use. How do you fire earthenware. I intend to put this up on one of my next posts.

The next day we made small human faces. different expressions, hairstyles, etc. curly hair was the best to make. press clay through a flour sieve and collect the hair from the bottom side and gently stick it to the head of the face. I also made Pingu the Penguin and a tree that others also named as brocolli, mushroom and cauliflower..We were shown how to make ganapati, and coil pottery. I made neither. was too engrossed with the faces..

The next weekend we started with slab pottery. Many animals can be made from slab pottery. Not just from slab pottery, but by just rolling clay in various forms a lot of animals can be made. Tortoise, elephant are the easier ones. Our Sir showed us a lovely jute-like earthen sack with a small monkey's face on it. flatten clay over a jute cloth (for the texture) with a rolling pin. fold the rolled clay into a sack. Decorate it - we decorated with a monkey's face. We also made a tiny elephant and a tortoise. bother came out lovely.We made sheep out of a slab. flatten clay. put a newspaper ball in the centre. roll the clay over the newspaper roll to make it a hollow ball. remove excess clay. beat it till it becomes oval. then stick head, legs, ears of the sheep. Then the fleece. the sheep turned out quite nice.We placed a pipal leaf over flattened clay and pressed the leaf with our rolling pin. The impression of the leaf came onto the clay. Then we made ganapati on it. This looked nice. But my piece broke in the me sad about that. We made delicate earthen jewelry. It was lovely. We learnt wheel pottery also in the week. We worked on the wheel in turns. When one was learning jewelry or making the sheep, someone else sat on the wheel to turn out lovely pots and vases. It was tough. But I managed to make around 6 pots though they turned out wobbly and nearly flew out from the wheel once or twice...

If possible I will photograph whatever earthenware I made and post it here. Many of my pieces broke in the kiln or while travelling by richshaw to the pottery class. So I am trying to re-do a lot of stuff. Wonder when all that would get done..

In the next weekend, we made sculptures. Mine turned out quite good. But by the time I took it home and brought it back for firing in the subsequent week, it was broken to a hundred pieces. I had made a man with spectacles and a gandhi topi sitting on the floor hugging his knees. And a woman sitting crosslegged folding her hands as if in meditation. The woman didnt have eyes and lips. I was scared to do it in case I spoiled the strength of the woman's figure.I had got all the feelings I wanted to show in the two sculptures. The man was weak and old. The woman was very strong and confident. Pity the sculptures didnt make it to the kiln.

:-) I enjoyed myself thoroughly. I hope to continue pottery. :-)

bye for now.

My first post :-)

Hello World!

My first post on this blog.
I used to post all my stuff on another blog that I had kept private. But then realised that I should share what I know with everyone. :-)
So I begin from now!